Small Body Mapping Tool

101955 Bennu

Shape Models in the SBMT

The OSIRIS-REx Altimetry Working Group developed shape models of Bennu using three methods: data from the OSIRIS-REx laser altimeter (OLA), stereophotoclinometry (SPC), and a combination of stereophotoclinometry and OLA data (SPO). For additional details, see Barnouin et al. (2020).

The SBMT contains a number of Bennu shape models, listed below. We recommend using the lidar-based OLA v20 PTM model for analyses of the surface at scales >10 cm. Other earlier, lower-quality SPC and SPO models are provided because they were used in early publications, for sample site selection, or mission operations. They are not recommended for use in future analyses.

  • Image-based: SPC v14: This model was used in Scheeres et al. (2019). Barnouin et al. (2019) compares this model to the more widely used SPC v20 model.
  • Image-based: SPC v20: This model was used in and described by Barnouin et al. (2019). It was used extensively during mission operations. The model includes higher-resolution regional DTMs of candidate sample sites that were used as part of sample site selection.
  • Image-based: SPC v13: This model was used in DellaGiustina et al. (2019). At the time that paper was published, this model was the one in which boulders were well represented. Barnouin et al. (2019) compares this model to the more widely used SPC v20 model.
  • Image-based: SPC v42: This model was used for most mission operations after the Detailed Survey Phase of the OSIRIS-REx mission. In addition to regional DTMs created using SPC, the regional DTMs tab includes DTMs of four candidate sample sites that were generated from an early version of the OLA dataset (referred to as v13c). That version of the OLA dataset was corrected for many, but not all, instrument artifacts.
  • Image-based: SPO v34: This model was used for sample site selection. The model includes higher-resolution regional DTMs of candidate sample sites that were used as part of sample site selection.
  • Image-based: SPC v28: This model was used by DellaGiustina et al. (2020).
  • Lidar-based: OLA v20: This model was also used in and described by Daly et al. (2020). This model was constructed in traditional manner applied to Mars and Moon, assuming the surface is directly viewed from above. Boulder edges tend to have greater uncertainties. The model includes a global set of regional DTMs.
  • Lidar-based: OLA v20 PTM: This model was used in and described by Daly et al. (2020). This model used a Poisson reconstruction method (Kazhdan et al., 2020), a technique that better captures the undersides and complex geometries of boulders on Bennu. The model includes a global set of regional DTMs.
  • Radar-based: Nolan et al. (2013): This model was derived from ground-based observations prior to OSIRIS-REx's rendezvous with Bennu.

Spacecraft Datasets in the SBMT

The SBMT contains data for the following instruments. As new data from these instruments are released in the PDS, those data will also become available in the SBMT.

The SBMT contains digital terrain models (DTM) associated with for the OSIRIS-REx Touch-And-Go (TAG) event. The DTM used for TAG is called l_00050mm_alt_dtm_5595n04217_v020.obj. The post-TAG DTM is called l_00050mm_spc_obj_5595n04213_vp54.obj. Both products can be found by going to Body -> Asteroids -> Near-Earth -> 101955 Bennu -> Lidar-based -> OLAv20PTM. Then select the "Regional DTMs" tab. The two DTMs will be listed near the top.

The SBMT also contains global Bennu basemaps from Bennett et al. (2020) and DellaGiustina et al. (2020).

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Barnouin, O.S. et al., 2019, Shape of (101955) Bennu indicative of a rubble pile with internal stiffness, Nature geoscience, 12, 247-252.

Barnouin, O.S. et al., 2020, Digital terrain mapping by the OSIRIS-REx mission. Planetary and Space Science, 180, 104764.

Bennett, C.A. et al., 2020, A high-resolution global basemap of (101955) Bennu, Icarus, 113690.

Daly, M. G. et al., 2020, Hemispherical Differences in the Shape and Topography of Asteroid (101955) Bennu, Science Advances, 6(41), eabd3649.

DellaGiustina, D.N. et al., 2019. Properties of rubble-pile asteroid (101955) Bennu from OSIRIS-REx imaging and thermal analysis. Nature Astronomy, 3, 341-351.

DellaGiustina, D.N. et al., 2020. Variations in Color and Reflectance on the surface of Asteroid (101955) Bennu. Science, eabc3660.

Kazhdan, M. et al., 2020. Poisson Surface Reconstruction with Envelope Constraints. Computer Graphics Forum, 39, 173-182

Lauretta, D. S., et al., 2022, Spacecraft sample collection and subsurface excavation of asteroid (101955) Bennu, Science, in press.

Nolan, M.C., Magri, C., Howell, E.S., Benner, L.A.M., Giorgini, J.D., Hergenrother, C.W., Hudson, R.S., Lauretta, D.S., Margot, J.L., Ostro, S.J., and Scheeres, D.J., Asteroid (101955) Bennu Shape Model V1.0. EAR-A-I0037-5-BENNUSHAPE-V1.0. NASA Planetary Data System, 2013.

Scheeres, D.J. et al., 2019. The dynamic geophysical environment of (101955) Bennu based on OSIRIS-REx measurements. Nature Astronomy, 3, 352-361.

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